Adding equipment to reservations
Equipment can be added to restaurant reservations to avoid overbooking of items such as booster seats or highchairs. This is added using the Equipment divider in the reservation.
This screen displays all equipment that is set to be used against table reservations. Clicking on the equipment needed will add this to the reservation.
This will subtract from the remaining number of this equipment type available to use for other reservations.
All equipment being used for a date range can be viewed from the Equipment area. This will show the time and date that the equipment will be in use for and the reservation number that corresponds to this.
Creating equipment types (in Admin Manager)
Creating new equipment types is completed from the maintenance menu in Admin Manager.
A list of all current equipment types will show with number of active and inactive showing. Remember to make an item of equipment inactive if it is out of use. This will stop it being able to be used. Clicking on ‘New Equipment Type’ will allow the addition of new equipment types.
From this screen a name can be given to the equipment type, add a chargeable item should there be a charge for use of the equipment, add the amount of this equipment type there, and then assign it to be used for table reservations.