New feature - Conditional formatting

Conditional formatting

Conditional formatting can be added to templates to show certain data or information depending on the required criteria being met. A conditional block decides if a particular section is included in the email based on a specified condition. For example, only show a list of table reservations linked to a room if any exist.

For example, in the image below, the conditional block is looking at whether this room reservation also has a table reservation linked to it. If it has none, the message will show. If it has 1 or more, then those table reservations will show in a list. (list blocks covered in this article)

A screenshot of a computer

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New conditional blocks are made by clicking on the conditional block button is the tool bar of the template editor.

A screenshot of a computer

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The conditions are set from this box with the option of choosing to match with a merge field (area of table, session booked for, for example) or a list block (linked table reservation). What the condition is, equal to, more than etc. And finally, the condition value.

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